2022 Terex General 65, 65-FT Digger Derrick Truck
2022 Terex General 65, S/N: 2220673652 65-FT Digger Derrick Truck
Digger Derrick Specifications
-65’ Sheave height
-Dual Lift Cylinders
-Full pressure Hydraulic controls
-Hydraulic Fiberglass Third Stage
-Center Mount over the Rear axle
-15,000 lb. Turret winch
-Transferable tilting pole claws
-TPP interlock
-Command Post – Right Hand
-Hydraulic Overload Protection (LMI)
-Planetary slip brake rotation.
-Digger storage Protection
-Lower Tool outlet
-One set of Radial outriggers and controls
-One set of Super Duty A-Frame outriggers and controls
-Full length Subframe
-14,000 ft. lb. two speed digger
-24” Auger with Carbide teeth
-Single Stick “T” handle control
-Unit certified for voltage up to 46 KVA
-Two section vane pump
-70-gallon bed mounted hydraulic reservoir
-Terex Chassis controller
-Full Length Steel Flat Bed Body
-50 ft 2/0 Grounding Cable
-Two Strobe lights
-Trailer plug at rear
-Engine throttle control at rear
-Fire Extinguisher
-Spring loaded hose reel with 35 ft. hose, mounted on bed.
-Adjustable flow divider in tool circuit
-Pintle Hook at rear
-Chock block holders for 4 chock blocks
-Braden PD18C Hydraulic Front Mounted Bumper Winch
Carrier Specifications
-2022 Freightliner M2-106
-Cummins L9 330 hp engine
-Allison 3500 Transmission
-6x6 Drive / Steer
-Driver controlled diff lock
for both rear axles Hendrickson rear air suspension
-Steel disc wheels
-18,000 lb. FA
-40,000 lb. RA
-CT 142”
-Engine Hours: Approx. 167 (as of 8/17/23)
-PTO Hours: Approx 24 (as of 8/17/23)
-Mileage: Approx 5,032 (as of 8/17/23)